Because there's always time to make for show-within-a-shows.
This'll be our last release for the year. I expect to be just as active in 2009. Like the last Nogizaka Drama CD, this one contains some drama episodes and a song by N's. Because the wave of anime music never truly stops, N's will be getting an album released in 2009. I have no idea what's on there, but I look forward to it. There's some good voices in that group.
Celonius28 wishes you a Happy New Year and hopes that the joy of music will always be with you.
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To the victor goes the spoils.
It would be unethical of me to not complete a series that I began releasing, so on with the show! The last two in the series, everyone knows who won, and one of them is sure to put some bounce into the holiday season.
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If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality. About what kind of noids you get? Is it the sensual world? The despotic society? The destructive sanctions? Or...
The answer is "the character songs". As part of the ongoing campaign for Chaos;Head Noah, six Triggers, one for each of the Black Knights of Gradiale, are to be released. It's Christmas after all, and I can promise that this release is definitely not a delusion. To my dedicated reader who is an avid fan of Eri Kitamura, this post goes out to you. Enjoy her singing as Rimi. Ui Miyazaki is here as Nanami too.
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Merry Christmas from the Minami sisters!
Another mini album released. Besides the previously-mentioned Christmas songs, one new character song for each of the sisters is here. They're titled in such a way to call obvious attention to the seasonal theme naming that is present in the family. A nice little album to have, and it's nice to be posting it right after MA chu RI's Christmas single a few days ago. Though I'm expecting the next few things I release to not be so Christmasy.
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Edit: It appears a more accurate title for the album would be "Shunkashuutoujou!". Update your tags as necessary.
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On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!
As of this writing, it's December 12th. Halfway to Christmas Eve, 13 days left until Christmas. Many series continue on, but a few are ringing in the season. Macademi celebrates with a number by MA chu RI. The second song that's being offered is a trio by Ataro, Stein and Agaliarept. The season's greatest and most powerful trio of nerds sing - and it's a catchy song too. I'd imagine a Christmas with these six would involve things blowing up, manga and enough eggnog to serve New York City.

That would be awesome.
M-O-E-S ~ K-S-K Suru Shoudou - Ataro, Stein, Agaliarept
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Kiseki no Furu Yoru~Crystal Christmas - MA chu RI
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Die Hard on a space station!
These four have been on hold for awhile, and I think it's time they, too, were released. Four character song singles from Soul Link, with two characters apiece and a short drama in four parts across them. Most of the cast comes from the original game with one or two exceptions. Yoshino Nanjou, who sings on the first album, went on to play Koko in Da Capo II and Nene in Penguin Musume Heart this past year. So without further ado, on with the show.
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Mission 01 - Aya and Sayaka
Mission 02 - Karen and Yu
Mission 03 - Aki and Cellaria
Mission 04 - Nao and Nanami
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Putting Mikan here should be great for a hits boost.
I don't really keep track of hits to begin with, but I certainly know what the fans like. The last two TLR Variety CDs are here, and included on them are another song for Run/Ren, a second song for Yui, one for Saki, a song for Rito (even the harem leads deserve one every now and then), a second one for Mikan and a Lala/Haruna duet.

Variety CD 4
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Variety CD 5
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Another series of releases brought to a close, but much like Maid Guy, there is more on the horizon. A set of three OVAs for the year ahead, as I'm sure everyone knows. There'll be plenty more Haruka Tomatsu in the year to come, and plenty more of everyone else as well.
Celonius28 wishes you a good holiday season. May your [insert holiday here] be filled with interesting stories.
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Now this is an awesome album cover.
And the first of three that will be released today. The other two will be covered later in the post. Macademi's character song series is, by all means, unusual. Three of the five albums are for male characters, one is a Christmas album, but all of them are in tune with the series' wackiness. First up, featured in episode six, is Metallis' confession of love to Suzuka in the form of rock.
Aoi Enjou Forever With You
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Second is Hapshiel's special ending theme, featured in episode five. MIKA is the featured singer, but since she doesn't voice a character in the show, the free talk segment is with Takuto, whose harem can't hold a candle to Eitarou's. (Shame Miyabi and Synclavia never got an album. But the series is awesome nonetheless.)
Miwaku no La Vie en Rose
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Finally, the most comparatively normal of the Macademi series. Eneus's song, featured in episode nine, sung by Ayako Kawasumi. Each of these three albums includes a drama about the length of a full episode, a talk session, and karaoke. Standard order for 5pb. music releases.
Kimi no Hikoukigumo
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The other two albums - the otaku trio and MA chu RI's Christmas single, will also be released by Celonius28 ASAP. In fact, I consider it something of an honor to release such a different set of music. Enjoy.
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