Good? Evil?
Obscurity is an odd thing. It can grant people an odd pretentiousness, but it also incites a moe sort of feeling to give shows more love because they're so unnoticed. Sometimes they're that way for a reason, sometimes there's no reason at all. But the point of this is that the soundtrack/character song album to a show of such obscurity comes to light.
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An exercise in punnery and inserting stars into song titles.
With Shin Koihime Musou starting this fall, there's no better time. Plus, I said I might get around to these someday. Today is that day. The Haou Project series covers most of the cast split up into kingdom-appropriate groups. No way there's going to be individual songs with this many characters. Since the anime and the game have the same voice cast, it makes these work for whatever medium.
So let's begin.
Shu - a.k.a. "Team Main Characters"
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Wei - a.k.a. "Team Drill-Hair Lesbian"
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Wu - a.k.a. "Team Runaway Loli"
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Toutaku - a.k.a. "Team Lu Bu"
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Plus two bonus ones:
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In the center of the universe, rock with me!
These girls have built up quite a following on their own, and now both of them are released together. As with Akiha's, there's a Sound Cinema, solo version of the ED and a character song. Enjoy.
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Where's the love for minor characters these days?
All things in due time, and when there's a noticeable gap in the music releases, someone has to fill it in. That's where I enter. The last two CDs in the Zettai Karen lineup (except for level 7, UNLIMITED and the Drama CDs, and I do have plans for the Drama CDs) featuring relatively minor characters, yet we love them anyway. Dr. Sakaki, Oboro and the Double Face all get to sing, plus two more short dramas are included.
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Oboro/The Double Face
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If there's one thing I learned from these CDs, it's that Sena doesn't wear a bra.
The last two Knights of Gradiale, and another series of CDs complete. Though the third Phantasm single has yet to surface. Hopefully soon. Long as we're on the subject of Chaos;Head music news here, there's going to be a Phantasm album being released in a month or two, as well as the soundtrack to the anime. So we're not quite done.
That said, enjoy.
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